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Many of these books are available from the Wandering Bull (US) or from Amazon.com (US) .

From The Land: Two Hundred Years of Dene Clothing
Judy Thompson
Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1994
ISBN 0-660-14025-X
Historical and modern clothing, beautiful beadwork

Native American Beadwork: Traditional Beading Techniques for the Modern-Day Beadworker
Georg J. Barth, forward by Bill Holm
Stevens Point, Wisconsin: R. Schneider, Publishers, 1993
ISBN 0-936984-12-0 (paper) US$ 19.95
ISBN 0-936984-13-9 (cloth) US$ 27.95
This is the best book on beadwork that I have seen and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is starting beadwork or who wants to learn more. Various techniques are covered including overlay stitch, lane stitch, peyote stitch, Crow stitch and numerous weaving techniques.

The Complete Guide to Traditional Native American Beadwork
Joel Monture
Collier Books, MacMillan Publishing Co., New York, 1993
ISBN 0-02-066430-3
Great book on beadwork, includes a section on brain-tanning hides

Our Boots: An Inuit Women's Art
Jill Oakes and Rick Riewe
Douglas McIntyre, Vancouver, 1995
ISBN 1-55-54-195-1
A beautiful book with marvelous photos. Details of the design and construction of Inuit footwear.

Pride of the Indian Wardrobe: Northern Athapaskan Footwear
Judy Thompson
University of Toronto Press for the Bata Shoe Museum, 1990
Lots of photos of old and new moccasins and mukluks: a great book for inspiration.

Artisinat Quebecois, 3. Indiens et Esquimaux
Cyril Simard
Les Editions de l'homme, Montreal, 1977
ISBN 0-7759-0522-4
Moccasins, birch-bark canoes, snowshoes, moose-hair tufting, quillwork...

North American Indian and Eskimo Footwear: A Typology and Glossary
Alika Podolinski Webber
Bata Shoe Museum
All kinds of different patterns

Crafts of the North American Indians: A Craftsman's Manual
Richard C. Schneider
Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1972
ISBN 0-442-27442-4
A delightful book by a university professor who decided to learn how to make Indian crafts. You will enjoy his stories as well as marvel at the wealth of information he presents. He covers baskets, tanning, mittens, moccasins, beadwork, birch-bark containers, quillwork on birch-bark, birch-bark canoes and lots more...

Blackfoot Craftworker's Book
Adolf and Beverly Hungry Wolf
Good Medicine Books, Invermere B.C., 1977
Lots of good photos of Plains style moccasins.

Craft Manual of North American Indian Footwear
George M. White
1992 2nd edition
A slim book that contains many patterns for moccasins and mukluks and instructions on how to make them.

Northern Athapaskan Art: A Beadwork Tradition
Kate C. Duncan
University of Washington Press, 1989
One of the books I keep getting out of the library. Beadwork to die for!

American Indian Art Magazine
Circulation Department
7314 East Osborn Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Mostly about collectable historical pieces. The ads from galleries are as interesting as the articles!

Quillwork of the Plains - Le travail aux piquants des indiens des plaines
Julia M. Bebbington
Glenbow Museum, 1982
Glenbow-Alberta Institute
130-9th Ave. S.E.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada, T2G 0P3
ISBN 0-919224-29-6
Lots of good photos of quillwork but a bit hard to use as a how-to manual.

The Indian Crafts of William and Mary Commanda
David Gidmark
McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd, 1980
ISBN 0-07-092360-4
The crafts of two talented members of the Algonquin Nation. Tanning hides, snowshoe making, birchbark work, beads, quills and moosehair work, clothing, birchbark canoes, cradleboards, moosecalls, drums...the author David Gidmark and his wife Ernestine are themselves skilled birchbark canoe builders.

Snow Walker's Companion - Winter Trail Skills from the Far North
Garrett and Alexandra Conover
Ragged Mountain Press, Camden, Maine, 1995
ISBN 0-07-022892-2
A book about snowshoeing and winter camping by a really neat couple from Maine (I met them last summer) who guide canoe trips in the summer and snowshoeing trips in northern Quebec in the winter. Includes a very good section on making and wearing traditional mukluks and parkas. Includes patterns for a parka, wind pants, mukluks or moccasins, duffle socks, duffle mittens and 2 kinds of tents

Encyclopedia of American Indian Costume
Josephine Paterek
W.W. Norton & Co., 1994
ISBN 0-393-31382-4
Traditional style clothing for every North American Indian and Eskimo/Inuit people. Includes men's and women's styles, footwear, hairstyles, jewelry etc. Due to the large number of nations covered, the explanations are quite brief and there are few photos.

The Canadian Indian, The Illustrated History of the Great Tribes of Canada
Fraser Symington
McClelland and Stewart Ltd, 1969
A large hardcover book full of detailed information and interesting photos

The Native Americans, The Indigenous People of North America
Salamander Books, 1994
A reasonably-priced coffee-table book with WONDERFUL photographs of artifacts made by each tribe. The double page spread of Arapaho moccasins is my favourite. Great historical photos too. This is one of my favourite books!

Art of the American Indian Frontier: The Chandler-Pohrt Collection
David C. Penney
The Detroit Institute of Arts
University of Washington Press, 1992
ISBN 0-295-70675-9
Beautiful photos of many different Indian artifacts and a wonderful story of the man who collected them.

Books from Eagle's View Publishing Company
Eagle's View Publishing Co.
6756 North Fork Road
Liberty, Utah, 84310

A Quillwork Companion
Jean Heinbuch
The best book I've seen for actually learning quillwork on leather

The Technique of North American Indian Beadwork
Monte Smith
ISBN 0-943604-01-X
Loomwork, appliqué work, rosettes, necklaces, edgings, with an emphasis on Plains Indian style

The Technique of Porcupine Quill Decoration Among the Indians of North America
William C. Orchard
1984 reprint of the original book from 1916
ISBN 0-943604-00-1

Crow Indian Beadwork, A Descriptive and Historical Study
William Wildschut and John C. Ewers
ISBN 0-943604-06-0

Books from the Canadian Museum of Civilization
Mail Order Services, Publishing Division
Cdn Museum of Civilization
100 Laurier St.
P.O. Box 3100, Stn B
Hull, Quebec, Canada
J8X 4H2

Copper and Caribou Inuit Skin Clothing Production
Jillian E. Oakes Mercury Series Paper 118, Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1991
How to make REAL Inuit mukluks and parkas

Patterns in Transition: Moccasin Patterns and Ornamentation of the Janvier Band Chipewyan
Cecile M. Clayton-Gouthro
Mercury Series Paper 127, Canadian Museum of Civilization


© Judy Kavanagh 1999